
From time to time everybody needs a change of scenery.  Since beginning the website in 2008, I've left our living room looking pretty much the same way, so you'd feel comfortable in familiar surroundings (and be sure you were visiting the site you hoped for!).  

But now that I'm sure you know where to find me, it seems like a little updating is in order.  Why? You might ask?

  • Since I launched my website and blog, more and more of you are visiting from your mobile devices, for which the old site was not optimized.  Now everything I post should look better, no matter how you view it.
  • I wanted new features for you, to improve the experience of visiting, such as:
    • Easy-to-find Ravelry links to my patterns
    • A sexy new Gallery page
    • A more comfortable reading experience
    • Organized, searchable blog posts
  • Have a look around, and of course, let me know if you have trouble with anything.  I'm still getting comfortable in our new surroundings, too, so bear with me as I work out the inevitable kinks.

If you were previously subscribed to receive blog updates via e-mail, please take a second to re-subscribe.  Click on "Comments" below, then "Subscribe Via e-mail".  Thank you, Gentle Readers, for your continued support!

Pinky Promise

During my last bicycle ride, a speed bump unexpectedly rose up to meet me.  And by "rose up", I mean that's what it seemed like.  Actually, it was a case of me falling down to meet it.

Don't worry: My beautiful bicycle is undamaged.  I broke its fall with my body.

In addition to a black eye, a skinned knee, and more bruises than I can count, my right pinky finger is broken, as shown.  And my pride is kinda banged up, too. 

Because this type of break is known as "unstable" (is there a "stable" broken bone?), it will have to be operated on before it can be immobilized in a cast.  I won't find out how one makes a broken pinky finger stable until Friday, when I see the Bone Man. 

I'm thinking there will be some sort of spackle involved.

So for the next little while, keyboarding will be pretty uncomfortable, and knitting, sadly, impossible.  Know what's worse than knitting with a broken finger?  Not knitting.  So bear with me, Gentle Readers, if the blog posts get a little thin on the ground: I promise to heal as fast as I can.

I always suspected exercise was dangerous.  Now I have proof.


As a parent, you try and try to teach your values to the offspring.  Do your best on a daily basis to show them right from wrong.  Help them spot dangerous associations and steer away. 

And then, despite all your efforts to the contrary, it happens.

They make the Wrong Friend:

Yep: Lindsay; Darling Lindsay; girl after my heart in every way; has befriended A MOTH.

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She found it sitting on the hot tub cover in the backyard.  Not moving.  "Dead", I declared, heartlessly.  "Dehydrated!" she countered, gathering sugar water and flower blossoms together for its Rock-Star recuperation.  Just look at Mothie!  Proboscis-deep in flower nectar, enjoying my clean china, plotting an invasion into my STASH! Is there no justice?  Have I taught NOTHING to my offspring??

I suppose Lindsay was right, because Mothie revived, and then flew away (Sigh of Relief).  Lindsay was heartbroken: "But she was my friend!" she wailed.  "That sort never appreciate anything, Lu," I try to console her.  "but at least our sweaters are safe!"  She glares at me and stomps off to her room. "Moth-ist!" she says; sotto voce.

There's just NO living with teenagers.