Greetings from the Other Side

Alert Reader Amy from Seattle cleverly asked of the Chinese Garden wrap "What does it look like on the other side?", prompting me to spend a little time reflecting on the notion of "Right" vs. "Wrong" sides of things. Of course, we can always diplomatically change our vernacular to "Public" and "Non-Public" when we refer to insides and outsides. But as knitters, we're always referring to the planes of our work. Have you ever wondered how to make colorwork that's presentable to the world from both sides? It's easy. I do it all the time, and so can you.

Today I would like to challenge you, Gentle Readers, to think about the insides of things. I often hear that part of the fun of seeing my trunk shows is getting a good look at what's going on behind the scenes of the pieces. For those who haven't seen yet, here are a few:

Chinese Garden Outside

Stars and Stripes Outside

Regnbue Outside

Butterflies Outside

Chinese Garden Inside

Stars and Stripes Inside

Regnbue Inside

Butterflies Inside

One of the many charms of Stranded Colorwork knitting is that its insides can be just as lovely (more?) as its outsides! How can we achieve this? Those who have been to  my introduction to Stranded Colorwork class, 2 Strings=Not Scary already know: We can easily keep our floats beautiful and our tension perfect by applying two concepts (okay, they're really just Sexy Party Tricks, but who cares?).

Thing One: Strand Orientation. Don't twist the unused strands around one another. Ever. This is especially easy if you are knitting from one of my patterns because I design the motifs in such a way that you will never have to tack (twist) a float. Period. So just don't do it. Ta-Da! Instantly beautiful insides.

Thing Two: Float Tension. Mechanically introduce extra slack into the unused strand as you knit by stretching the stitches you are carrying across the back of. This extra float length will magically disappear during blocking, wearing, etc [insert Interpretive Dance here]. Yes, if you work on Stranded Colorwork with me, I will explain float tension via an interpretive dance; just one more service I provide.

That's it. There are only two things to know in order to make the back of your knitting as beautiful and interesting as the front. Mischief Managed. Come see me in class to get the full explaination/show on this. CLICK HERE for my upcoming session, or if you aren't in that neighborhood, contact me to schedule a class with your guild, event, or group of knitting pals!

Oh Knitting! You are so beautiful and full of surprises. Aren't we lucky to know the secrets?

Next Time: Who's up for a Knitalong? I've been asked for help with a pattern, and you know how hard it ISN'T to trick me into knitting something with you...

Happy Chinese New Year!

The holiday is next Friday, but this is a wrap you'll want to cuddle in all the time! CLICK HERE for the pattern.

Worked in six colors of DK yarn from Dicentra Designs, the wrap finishes up at about 16" wide and 76" long. Just the thing to chase a chill over your favorite turtleneck and jeans, or to cover your shoulders with an elegant evening ensemble. Planning to attend any evening weddings this summer? Here's your project.

Inspired by the classical motifs in antique porcelain, and the delicate hues of water lilies, Chinese Garden is my exploration into the fascinating and elegant world of Chinese art and symbol.

Best of all: The exquisitely talented Lisa of Dicentra Designs (who created all the yarns you see here) has a few kits for sale! That's right: The original kits are only a CLICK away. Don't wait too long though; she only has a few in stock.

Happy New Year!

The More Things Change

Remember 2010? Me either. Research on my blog reveals that I made two Weasley Sweaters for my children that year, and they were well-loved:

In 2010, Lindsay was 11, which is the perfect age for a Weasley Sweater. The Huff Weasleys were worn, and loved, and outgrown, which is the natural order of things. They're now in a box out in the garage, awaiting the day when I can bear to let them go to some great reward.

But leap forward a mere seven years, and Lindsay is on the brink of her 18th birthday. I know. I didn't authorize it, but it turns out that my children are getting older, rather than just bigger. Unbelievably, last month, Lindsay asked me for a new Weasley sweater. 

My children are now at ages where if they actually ask me for knitting, I pretty much lose my mind. It's been so long since I saw them wear and enjoy my knitting that I've just about given up on them as worthy recipients. But Lindsay can always surprise and amaze me. She's getting ready to leave home for college next year. She drives. All by herself. She can knit and spin really well. She has a steady boyfriend. Does all the very grownup things a nearly-eighteen year old should. But she wants a new Weasley sweater. Says she was too young to appreciate her old one when she had it.

She didn't have to ask me twice:

The new Weasley has an actual Intarsia initial, and was worked from the top-down, to Lindsay's exact specifications. Unbelievably, I realized that I have never worked intarsia in the round before. I didn't love doing it, but it did allow me to place the monogram with surgical precision.

While I was at it, I worked a top-down set-in sleeve. Thanks, JC Briar! CLICK HERE for her class. This one isn't a full-on set in; it's more of a hybrid "peasant": not quite as fitted as a set-in, but more tailored than a drop-shoulder. The fit is gorgeous: relaxed, but not sloppy or droopy. And there's none of that bulky fabric under the armpits that comes with a drop shoulder.

I just picked up around the armhole, the number of stitches that would comfortably fit into it (about 3 out of 4), then worked 5-stitch short rows from the cap all the way to the armpit. So easy, and so pretty! You should definitely try this on your next relaxed-sleeve project.

I also added 4-stitch increases to the body every 20 rows. It's actually an A-line, but doesn't look like one when worn. Instead, it just accommodates Lindsay's grownup figure more perfectly than a straight body tube would.

The yarn is Patons Classic in Chestnut Tweed. You can get it pretty much anywhere, and almost always on sale. For the monogram I used Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Tweed in Brass Heather

My sister and her kids visited last weekend. These four cousins have always been thick as thieves, so I should not have been surprised when Sarah and Adam (aged 20 and 17) requested Weasleys of their own. Campbell, naturally, added his name to the list, too. So now it looks like I'll be up to my eyes in Weasleys for a awhile if I'm to satisfy the demand.

The only real question is: How could I say no? They're only little for such a short time, after all.