Go By Train

Seattle was fun:  2 signings, 2 yarn shops and 2 classes in 3 days.  At the end of day 3, I actually heard myself say I was too tired to knit.  You know you are doing all the right things in a yarn shop if, at the end, you are too tired to knit.  Not that it stopped me from acquiring some fairly prestigious fiber along the way, you understand - more on that later, when I unpack the camera. 

Plus I got to hang out with my family and eat like they just invented food.  "Gobble Till You Wobble", my brother says.   Done.  And there was beer.  We're not savages, after all.  My Liberal-Tree-Hugging-Dirt-Lover husband managed not to black any of the eyes in my Right-Wing-Gun-Toting-Capitalist family, too.  For the millionth time.  His powers of restraint are something to behold.

Worst Moment Of The Weekend:  You know that laptop, the one containing the powerpoint presentations from which you teach your classes?  You left it at your brother's house and there is no way you are getting it in time to teach these smiling faces.

Best Moment Of The Weekend:    Turns out you know your material by heart, and can teach the class just fine without it.  Doesn't hurt that the shop you are in has an extensive library of knitting books to fall back on for visuals.  And then your sister-in-law shows up with the laptop.

Yesterday I came home on the train, where I sat with a couple of knitters who were on their way to my town for a little shopping and sightseeing, while their husbands are away.  One called up the other the night before and said "You know what we oughtta do?", and so they did, the very next day.  I want to be them when I grow up. 

You know what's cool about trains?  No seatbelts.  That's right.  Apparently in a train wreck, the chance of a seatbelt helping you is so slender that they don't even bother.  So if that's the case, what's the big deal on airplanes?  You cannot convince me that my chances of surviving a plane crash are that much improved by addition of seatbelts, when they don't even install them on trains.  How typical of air travel that militant seatbelt use is added to a situation whose comfort level is already deeply compromised.

I'm back home for exactly four days before heading for Spokane, WA.  After a weekend like I had, surrounded by knitters and yarn, it is really surreal trying to slip back into my alternate day-job reality.  I'm trying to shift gears, but man, are they grinding.  In my office, I'm surrounded by people who neither know nor understand about yarn.  I've tried to enlighten and educate them, for which they care Not A Whit.  They belong to a completely different species.  Can't wait to get home and knit.