R and R
The Smallies and I seized the three-day weekend to drive North for a long-overdue family visit. Phillip stayed home to write a paper for Grad School. We missed him, but he got a lot done in the thunderous quiet of our absence.
The weather was extraordinary, which resulted in barbecues, bonfires, stargazing and tent-sleeping.
And I knitted.
Liberty Hill, Whidbey Island, WA
My sister and I planted flowers around the base of the new flagpole.
And I knitted.
Monica modelled her new purse, seated on her motorcycle
The Dreadful Damsels Motorcycle Club (that would be me, my sister Susie, and our sister-in-law Monica. We're an extremely tough motorcycle gang) took its first ride of the season. Where did we go? To a shoe sale, naturally. We may be tough, but we're not savages. Then to the grocery for chips and beer (the 2 food groups), where several nice gentlemen admired our motorcycles, and tried not to look jealous.
After that, I knitted.
Mom humors me by smiling for a photo
My mom loved her Mothers' Day hat, both for its looks, and its fire-retardant qualities. She suggested that I try spinning asbestos next.
Then I knitted.
What Smallies (and their cousins) do for fun in the country
Our visit culminated in a celebratory tractor-ride for the Smallies, which ended just in time for us to catch the ferry for home. During the ferry ride, I knitted.
One of the best things about being away from home is getting to return to it. Phillip had done no small amount of housework while we were out from underfoot. Either he really missed us, or he badly wanted to do something other than work on his paper. Either way, I'm happy.
And today it's re-entry. Back to the trenches. The rest and family time really revived me. It seems like Summer is finally on its way, and I'm looking forward to what's next.
I hope the rest of you fared better than I did in the bloodbath that was Sock Summit registration today. I did get one of the seven classes that had been on my wish list, so I dare not snivel. I know there are many (some who already had plane tickets, even) who weren't as lucky. Take heart, would-be Summit-eers: We didn't even know we have been in with the Cool Kids all this time. If a bunch of knitters can create that much chaos in that short a time, world domination can't be far away.