Wish You Were Here
Greetings from my annual summer vacay! Each August, My family and I make a wee pilgrimage to Whidbey Island, WA to celebrate my mom's birthday, and attend the Island County Fair. The fair is about the biggest thing that happens on the island every year. There is a ferris wheel, the Republicans have an ice cream booth, the Democrats sell pronto pups (insert smartass political remark here), and everbody gets heartburn in time to coincide with their ferris wheel nausea. Big ol' slice of Americana Pie.
On Sunday, Susie and I went for a motorcycle ride:
Susie on the left, me on the right: visions of lovliness in helmet hair
Then we loaded all the kids, the husbands and the Grammy into the car and went to the fair.
Guess which exhibits I always hit first? After fiber arts I go straight over and pet the sheep.
Campbell made friends with the Island County firefighters and got to try out the big rig:
A great time was had by all, and continues for the rest of the week. For those who are wondering, I did, in fact, complete the Red Faery in time for Mom's birthday - more on that next time (with art).
Yesterday I gave a talk at a local chapter meeting for the Philanthropic Education Organization. I had a great time meeting knitters and non-knitters there. It was a real ladies' lunch, with aspic and tea and wee dainty cookies. Totally out of my element, you understand, but lovely just the same.
Tonight we have plans to attend a real drive-in movie (can you imagine? The last drive-in in Portland closed down in the late 70's), which pleasure I can't wait to introduce to my smallies.
Small Town. Big Fun. Yes, I'm still knitting.