Worth A Thousand Words. Honest.

One of the truly memorable things I did at Madrona this year was meet Franklin Habit.  Those who already admire his work will be pleased to know he's as cordial, witty and handsome in the real world as he seems in the virtual one.  I took Franklin's class about photographing fiber, which was absolutely brilliant.  Turns out there are all sorts of controll-y bits on my camera, and that if I ever unearth the instruction book for it, I will be able to manipulate some of them to make better pictures.  He even helped me to prove this, by telling me what some of the features are, and do.  Absolutely brilliant things can be done with my camera.  And as soon as I replace the USB cable for my camera, which I left at the hotel, I can show you.

I also met the delightful and dreamy Jared Flood, who not only was super-nice to me, he let me touch his yarn.  And as soon as I replace the USB cable for my camera, which I left at the hotel, I can show you.

And if that weren't enough, I knelt at the feet of Joyce Williams, who is every bit the sassy genius today that she was when she first met and befriended Elizabeth Zimmermann and Meg Swansen.  And as soon as I replace the USB cable for my camera, which I left at the hotel, I can show you.

The knitters and I steeked some steeks.  We hemmed some hems.  We laughed a lot, compared violets scarves, and generally enjoyed ourselves to an impressive degree.  And as soon as I replace the USB cable for my camera, which I left at the hotel, I can show you.

I'm home again now, filling pattern orders, catching up on the laundry, and reinserting myself into reality after immersion in the rare waters of the Madrona Winter Retreat.  Oh, and we adopted a new dog yesterday.  And as soon as I replace the USB cable for my camera, which I left at the hotel, I can show you.
