Getting Marooned

I've had this in my stash for literally, years, and my original idea for it hasn't changed:  A Desert Island Sweater.  

It's my favorite color in the whole world.  In fact, I always say that Periwinkle is my Desert Island color (as in, what color would I take with me if I were marooned on a desert island?).  So it seems only logical to expand the exercise:  What sweater would I take with me if I could only have one?  Thank God, there will never be an actual situation that calls for such an unreasonable degree of restraint, but the idea of answering the question appeals to me.

First of all, it would need to be a cardigan; pullovers are just too limiting in terms of combinations with other clothing, and temperature regulation.  Also there MUST BE BUTTONS, or else, why would I be knitting in the first place?

It's already my favorite color, my favorite fiber (wool), and my favorite weight (sport).  I might love it a Teensy Tiny bit more if it were 3-ply instead of 2, but hey, you can't have everything.  Besides, the 2-ply structure suggests something to me:

Combined cables and lace!  What could be a better compliment to a beautiful color than a super-sexy surface texture?  2-Ply is well-loved for lace because of the way its structure holds open the holes.  I think of cables and lace together as opposites who attract; cables pull in and lace opens up.  Cold marmalade on hot toast.  Yeah, Baby.

Now, there are about a million beautiful cardigan patterns already in this world that combine all these attributes, so why would I want to reinvent the wheel?  Because I'm Squirrely that way.  Why take someone else's work and change it to suit me when I can create something that's (sort of) brand new?  And besides, I'm not allowed the self-indulgence of knitting other people's designs, because my boss is really mean.  But hey, at least she lets me have yarn.

Now it's your turn to tell us:  What's your Desert Island Sweater?