Six Word Stories Totally Thrilled Me


Before I announce the winner of the six word cast-on and bind-off story contest, I have to tell you a favorite of mine.  That it really is six words is just a coincidence, because it was given to me by a student in one of my classes, and I've never forgotten it:

        "You mean there's more than ONE?"

Remember the moment you discovered there was more than one way to cast on and bind off?  I happened to be there when this lady did, and it tickled me all to bits.  Her six words represent all that is beautiful about what happens when knitters come together to share what they know.  Her knitting would never be the same after that day, and honestly, neither would mine.

Okay, down to business.  To begin with, as always, you all blew my mind.  I laughed, I cried.  It was better than Cats.  Call me crazy, but I just cannot get enough of the stories knitters tell, and these were an absolute smorgasbord.  Thank you Gentle Readers, one and all.

Of course, choosing a winner would be all but impossible for me, so I naturally pawned it off on Phillip.  According to his Husband Contract, Phillip is in charge of all the household chores that are icky, dangerous, or just seem hard.  But even Phillp, bastion of evenhandedness and diplomacy that he is,  couldn't pick just one.  

Lucky for us, I've been saving up extra prizes for just such an emergency, so we can also choose 2nd and 3rd place winners to receive some fun treats, too.  Ready?  Here they are:

        Third Place:  Karen S.
        "400 stitches. Rip. 398, 402, Victory!"

        Second Place:  Melissa 
        "Head hopelessly lodged in vicelike neckline."

        First Place:  Kim D.
        "One knitter, 50 WIPs; What's bind-off?"

Thank you so much, Gentle Readers, for sharing your cast on and bind off stories.  Could the three geniuses above please send me an e-mail with your mailing addresses?

You all are winners to me.