What Are You? Scared?

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Okay, It's almost Halloween, and I know you're all thinking about things that go "Bump" in the night.  But what about things that go "Snip"?  Yep, the most feared act in knitting is the cutting of a steek.  Which makes it the perfect activity for this time of year.  Who doesn't like to get a little freaked out, and live to tell the tale?  Sign up for Eeek! Steeks! at Knit Fit in Seattle this weekend.  We'll do the deed together, and then spend the rest our lives bragging about it.  And we'll have tales of terror to scare our friends with around the next campfire ("...and then, we CUT the knitting!"-insert screams here-).  Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for "Eeek Steeks", so if you're feeling brave, join the rest of us thrill-seekers for gobs of spooky fun.

In the mood for something a little less hair-raising?  How about Knitting Behind the Wheel, with its super-sexy yarn kit?  We'll knit a modular bag to felt, learn the rules of the color wheel, and then break them.  We'll also learn attached knitted cord and Dorset Buttons.  No better treats than those.

I'm giving the opening night talk at Knit Fit on Friday, so if you are in or around Seattle, come and see me.  I double-dog dare you!