Seeing Stars (and Stripes, and Checks)
I'm creating a new class! It's called "Stars and Stripes", and in it, you will design your own Norwegian Fana Sweater.
Named for the district of Bergen, Norway where they originated, Fana sweaters are recognized the world over for their iconic Nordic style:
A Commercially-made Fana by Dale of Norway
Evolving into fashion (and the stripe-and-check version we recognize today) sometime in the 19th century, Fana sweaters are associated with special traditions in Norway, that we'll discuss in class. Teaser: Ever wonder where the curse of the Boyfriend Sweater originated?
Norwegian schoolchildren sporting their Fana; practically a uniform.
In addition to their fascinating lore, the real appeal of the Fana is their endless capacity for variation and customization. The style of 8-point stars chosen, their placement on the body, the colors of yarn employed, and even the garment's silhouette are endlessly changeable; fantastically inspirational.
Notice how the star border location enhances his square shoulders?
In this class, students will choose from a "menu" of design choices, such as different star styles and placements, garment shapes, and design details. Then I'll help you plug your chosen elements into a formula to create your very own personal Fana pattern.
Impossibly adorable baby Fana made by the incomparable Maria.
This class is so new I haven't even made my own Fana yet! But it's coming soon to a venue near you: First to the Sandpoint Fiberarts Guild in September, then to Vogue Knitting Live in October, and who knows where after that! Keep an eye on my Teaching and Events tab for more information. Watch this space for the details of my personal Fana adventure, as I create the class sample for you.
Want to play with stars and stripes at your very own venue? Round up some knitting friends and drop me a line! This and any of my other class selections are yours for the asking.
Isn't Knitting Grand?