Everything's connected. Kinda like a loop.
This is Steven Hauschka.
He does this really, really well.
Coincidence? I think not. I actually got to ask her one time, and sure enough: The adorable and fantastically talented Mr. Hauschka is the beloved nephew of the adorable and fantastically talented Ms. Hauschka. Is it fair for one family to contain so many gifts? Yes, because they are so great at sharing them with the rest of us.
And best of all? When my face-painting, jersey-wearing, chest-pounding, maniacal Seahawks fan of a husband watches the games, I get to remind him how it's actually all about knitting. I particularly like to speculate aloud about whether Little Stevie (I call him that because he's so cute I just want to stick him in my pocket) has any special handknit football-kicking socks. So tomorrow, on what my Phillip refers to as "The Greatest National Holiday", I'll be working on knitting 22 more of these (please note team colors):
These are the swatches my Madrona students are going to practice steeking on. That's right: I am knitting 72 swatches so that other people can cut them in half with scissors.
And that, my friends, is what you call Full Contact Sports.