
Greetings Knitters,

This is Mary's husband, Phillip, I've been asked to give you a quick update while conveying my bride's apologies for not posting as much as she wants to this week., AND to assure you she will be back on her regular blogging schedule very soon.

As I type this she is waiting at beautiful O'Hare airport in Chicago Ill (GO CUBBIES!!!!), on her way to Cleveland, Ohio. Tomorrow she tapes a spot for  the Knitting Daily TV show to promote her upcoming book. The taping is tomorrow, so please send all of your goodwill her way. She's going to be totally awesome-sauce, BUT she is nervous (which she's really not used to), so any help she can get is appreciated.

Just so you know, the emergency-I-have-to-knit-a-new-sweater-for-tv-because-what-I-planned-to-wear-doesn't-work-aaaaaaaarrrrggh-sweater, or the IHTKANSFTBWIPTWDWAS project as we call it, was completed on time, and it is amazing:

Thank you all,

Phillip Huff
Mary's Proxy