Dye Job
I do not now, nor have I ever, claimed to be a seasoned professional in the art/science of the dye pot.
What I am is a cheapskate in need of a bag in which to stick my new spinning wheel so that I can take it to class. Having blown invested several months' worth of the fiber budget on a new spinning wheel, it's going to be a while before I can afford a "real" (i.e., made by someone other than myself) spinning wheel bag. I'm fairly industrious, though, and have decided to give a whirl to making my own.
I'm starting off with a vintage wool blanket which was donated to the cause by my mom. The cream-colored blanket was felted long ago by some hapless sort (not Mom, for the record - she's a great respecter of wool) and is now roughly 1/2" thick. Perfect, thought I, to cushion the wee Wheely from bumps and bruises when I drag her to the Black Sheep Gathering next month. Except that a cream-colored bag fits neither my fancy, nor the black zipper and straps I have to install on it. So to the dye pot I sent the pieces of my soon-to-be bag. I was going for a deep shade of Turkey Red. What I got was neither deep nor red. I'd call Strawberry-Rhubarb, at best. A closeup:
Lofty, fluffy, soft and cushion-y. Just not red. I do not yet admit defeat: Rome was not built in a day, so neither will my Budget-Friendly Repurposed Blanket Spinning Wheel Bag (BFRBSW) be.
Assault 2 on the BFRBSW will utilize Kool-Aid, and plenty of it. No more Mr. Nice-Guy Fabric Store dye. No Siree. I'm declaring war on pink, and I'm willing to accept casualties.
This is surely one of those situations where time and perseverance can be a replacement for money and skill.
I'll report back after the second attempt.