Baa, Baa Black Sheep

Here is the back of the Caorah Dubh sweater, pinned out on the blocking board.

I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to take a respectable photo of this color, but you can absolutely take my word for it:  My yarn rocks.

To describe knitting with my own handspun, I'll have to resort to a food metaphor:  If working with millspun yarn were a perfect hothouse tomato, dewy and chilled from the produce aisle, then handspun knitting would be standing in the garden, filching tomatoes off the vine.  They have blemishes, they are warm from the sun, and there is absolutely nothing else in the world quite like them.

Make me this promise, Gentle Readers, even if you have no interest in learning to spin yourself:  Get hold of some handspun yarn, and make something from it.  You don't have to become a Master Gardener to appreciate a good tomato.  Just find the right garden.