Oh Yeah, And I'm Still Knitting

This has been one of those weeks where it probably seems like I've abandoned the prime directive (i.e.; play with string).  Fear not, Gentle Readers!  I just can't talk about the main project because it has to stay under wraps until TNNA.  I'm allowed to give you a sneak peak though:

I found this cable in a Japanese stitch dictionary.  It's so sexy because it isn't really a cable at all:  Its yarnovers and decreases make it look like one, but it's technically a lace panel.  Awesome party trick, no?  And it doesn't hurt that the yarn I'm using is super-delicious.

There's also this!

I'm knitting along with the Dogwood knitters over on Ravelry (it's not too late to join us!)  These are my fraternal dogwoods, made from Barking Dogs Yarns "Opposites Attract".  How fun is that?  Socks that match, but don't.  I'm working 2 at a time on 2 sets of DPNs.  Which I realize is not really 2 at a time, officially, but still kinda feels like it to me.  One is ready to bind off, and the other is a couple of repeats behind it.  And yes, as you can see, I still have to follow the pattern, even though I wrote it.

The kids finished school this week (including Phillip; Kid In Chief), and are now officially in my bubble.  Phillip has ambitious plans to paint the upstairs hallway, which includes the highest point in our house (scary pictures to follow).  I'm hauling ass on three project deadlines, Black Sheep Gathering is only a week away, and I'm fighting the urge to tear all the nasty old floorcovering out of my house.  Yeah.  I know.  I've been possessed by a Big Fat Idea with regard to flooring, and I'm betting things get weird before that passes.  Stay Tuned as Hilarity Ensues.