Technical Difficulties

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My Hard Drive Blew. And by Blew, I mean: Black Screen of Death, Hope your last 10 years of data were backed up. Contrary to my expectations, they were not. I may have gone fetal for a bit there. So nauseating to think of losing ALL my knitting work, but I didn't.

So that was exciting and time-consuming. Thankfully a Technicious Genius came to my rescue and saved my entire knitting careers' worth of work.

Meanwhile, I retreated to the relative safety of yarn:

Dicentra Designs has called upon me to make something special, for which Lisa created this delicious pile of lovliness. Holy Cats: wait till you knit with this! 

A gorgeous and sexy three-ply super-soft merino, with the perfect degree of twist to make it bouncy and sproingy. And that was before Lisa got hold of it to apply her color magic! Get a load of that color! If it looks as though it was lit from within and the blue has about a million shades layered over it, that's because your eyes are not fooling you. And there are 5 variations on this blue. And three greens, an aubergine, and a tomato red, just because. Yep, it's gonna be a kit. And I designed a sweater for it. Here's a preview:

I still have a Bee Problem. And I'm not sorry. Watch This Space.