Greetings and Salutations

Well! What a week It’s been around here!

I got a new roof'! 16k I will l never see from down here, but they promised it will keep my head dry. They did send me a photo, via drone, so that was nice. And creepy. It could have been anyone’s roof, but the weeds did look familiar.

And after that, the Roof Man asked me out. So that was nice. And creepy.

Additionally, I went 25 rounds with my HOA regarding what color I will be allowed to paint my house. That I own. That will cost nine thousand dollars, since I don’t own or want to own a ladder tall enough to get me up there. Turns out that even I have limits for what I’ll take on. Also, I have waited sixteen years to get this done. It began to feel like a civil liberties situation by the end. But what do I know about color? I’ve only written six books on the subject.

Anyhow, a lot of energy went that way.

That noise aside, I want to invite you to join me at Stranded With Mary. There are some knitters who have waited a year or more to do this. It’s a soup-to-nuts adventure with me, where you will knit this pretty sweater that I designed, that nobody else can have, in your choice of four colorways. For which the yarn maker has made string just for us. Oh, and I’ll be there to share what I know with you {and learn back!} There’s a Ravelry group where you all can join in the fun. I keep track of you there, and on the phone, and e-mail, and Zoom. I promise a totally concierge experience. My Dear students have taught me all I know, and I can’t get enough of you. And lots of you are repeat offenders. CLICK HERE

Fun Fact: Unless my daughter is holding the camera, I make a weird face. Good thing I cleverly had her 22 years ago,  All photos prior to that were fails. Categorically.

Fun Fact: Unless my daughter is holding the camera, I make a weird face. Good thing I cleverly had her 22 years ago, All photos prior to that were fails. Categorically.

Possibly my best angle.

Possibly my best angle.

In other news, my nephew apparently did not get the message of what I do. He taught himself to knit, without my knowledge. He started with socks, of all things. And made them really well. I guess it runs in our blood. Kind of so proud of him I could bust. Oh, and scouts are constantly asking if he would like to be a model. I haven’t secured his permission to post his photo, but trust me, he’s a 6’2 blue-eyed, ripped darling. But he’s nothing like as pretty as MY Children. They have actual Weasley sweaters to prove how much I love them. And I’m on the record here: I loathe Intarsia. In spite of my darling friend Anne, who is not only a genius but also a doctor. An actual Doctor. She tried her best to teach me. Visit her HERE for the knowhow and goods on her specialty. But I do suck at intarsia. Notice the profound lack of it in my teaching catalogue.

But that’s not why you’re visiting with me. My best guess is that you’re here because you practice a different brand of witchcraft:

I think that pretty well says it.